Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wowed By...

Two Music Videos coming out at the same time using the same concept!

Amendum....this process is aparently called Data Moshing

I found this to be really funny! Two seperate artists taking advantage of some computer generated effect to create their music videos to. There is danger in only relying on a one trick pony effect to come off as looking different. Where both of these videos ultimately fail is their lack of narrative and creativity beyond that. I also find it amusing that Chairlift's video is better and probably done on a way smaller budget. Way to go Mr. West.

Chairlift's Evident Utensil

Kanye West's Hearbreak


Anonymous said...

Chairlif: 2.000 budget total


The Kanye execution is less wow indeed but like the song- there should be plenty of folk cover versions of this coming up!